Safeguarding and Child Protection

Everyone in school plays an important part in keeping our young people safe from harm and abuse. All staff in school, both teaching and non-teaching, have a responsibility to ensure the protection and welfare of the young people in our school is paramount.
The Safeguarding Team is a vehicle for ensuring effective co-ordination and co-operation between the key staff responsible for safeguarding throughout the school including Heads of Year, Heads of Key Stage, the SENCO, the EWO, Vice-Principal and the Principal. The Safeguarding Team also works in partnership with external agencies to ensure each individual child’s needs are met.
Safeguarding begins with preventative education and activities which enable young people to grow up safely and securely in circumstances where their development and wellbeing is promoted. The team organises and delivers assemblies, talks, plays, workshops and seminars throughout the year to address and educate our pupils on safeguarding issues.