Our Vision

To provide students with High Quality Learning and Teaching and an inclusive and enriching educational experience delivered through broad and balanced curriculum pathways, which develop knowledge, understanding, and skills to enable progress at each stage of learning and prepare them to attain qualifications for further education and career opportunities.
To provide our diverse community of students with support, guidance, and advice to build resilience for meeting the challenges they may face in their life and society and to help meet their needs and encourage a safe and caring environment where developing and nurturing positive relationships is at the centre of all that we do.
We actively promote and foster a positive behaviour for learning culture of expectation that everyone in our community should work hard, try their best, never give up, and behave in a responsible manner by displaying consideration, understanding, courtesy, tolerance, cooperation, and respect for all in our community.
Our behaviour for learning culture is forged by our leadership team, teachers, and support staff and built on a foundation of HIGH EXPECTATIONS, CONSEQUENCES, AND REWARD
This means that:
- We provide students with an inclusive and enriching educational experience.
- We offer students a wide range of subject qualifications to study. delivered through broad and balanced curriculum pathways, which develop knowledge, understanding, and skills to enable progress at each stage of learning and prepare them to attain qualifications for further education and career opportunities.
- We set high expectations for students to make progress in their learning (achievement) and secure subject qualifications required for further education and work (attainment).
- We believe all young people in our care have the ability to work hard, try their best, and never give up to succeed and make a positive contribution to our school community and society.
- We will endeavour always to model the positive behaviours and attitudes we wish to cultivate and see in our students.
- We will provide students with pastoral care, support, guidance, and advice to meet their needs.
- We expect and challenge students to behave responsibly at all times.
- We accept and expect that children will make mistakes and understand that on such occasions they will require redirection (restorative conversation and instruction) and consequences to help them appreciate the effect of their actions and learn from those mistakes.
- We undertake that staff will deliver any necessary redirection firmly but with professionalism, care, understanding, and consistency and set consequences according to the Behaviour for Learning Framework and Sanctions System.
- We will ensure that students start each day and each lesson “On Green” with a fresh opportunity to learn, to contribute and to impress, unhindered by any “baggage” from incidents that have already been dealt with and resolved.
- We will celebrate success and reward positive behaviours, achievement, and attainment.
The culture for our students is set with high expectations regarding their attitudes and conduct.
We encourage students to be ‘Learners Today and Leaders Tomorrow’ and expect them to;
Be Safe
Be Kind and
Be Ready for learning (Prepared)