Physical Education

Subject Overview:
Physical Education is predominantly a practical based subject. Year 8 and 9 pupils get more than 2 hours per week with senior school receiving just over 1 hour.
Key Stage 3 Programmes of Study:
In Key Stage 3 students will study basketball, dance, football, hockey, netball, judo, table tennis, badminton, athletics, rugby, fitness training, boxercise and cross country.
Key Stage 4 Qualification Courses and Programmes of Study:
In Key Stage 4 throughout years 11 and 12 students can choose to/will study BTEC Sport Level 1/2 as an academic pathway. At vocational level pupils will be offered OCN Sport Level 2 which if passed is equivalent to a C at GCSE.
Key Stage 5 Qualification Courses and Programmes of Study:
In Key Stage 5 students can study BTEC Sport Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma worth the same UCAS points as an A Level. The programmes of study will be anatomy and physiology, risk assessment, fitness training and programming, Fitness testing, a work experience unit, outdoor and adventurous, and sports nutrition.