
Subject Overview:
Mathematics is essential in every walk of life: whether you are wallpapering, applying for a mortgage or deciding whether the pair of jeans that are in the sale are actually the bargain of the year or not! Our department aims to develop confidence, interest and enjoyment in Mathematics. We use a variety of up-to-date teaching methods and resources to engage pupils and relate their mathematical knowledge to everyday life around them.
‘The only way to learn Mathematics, is to do Mathematics.’ Paul Halmos.
Key Stage 3 Programmes of Study:
In Key Stage 3 we offer a rich and varied programme in mathematics in line with the Revised Curriculum for Northern Ireland. In Key Stage 3, pupils are banded on the basis of results obtained in English and Mathematics tests taken at the end of their primary school career. In the average band, pupils are set for Mathematics in order to cater for the broad range of mathematical abilities, aptitudes and levels of attainment, which exist within this band.
Key Stage 4 Qualification Courses and Programmes of Study:
At Key Stage 4, students will follow the CCEA GCSE scheme of work, which is assessed at the end of Year 11/Year 12 depending on the pupil’s capability. Pupils will follow the Foundation or Higher scheme of work. To allow pupils the best overall result, they will be able, if necessary, to choose between the Higher and Foundation tiers. Support is provided for GCSE pupils through monitoring and revision classes after school.