Home Economics

Subject Overview:
Home Economics is a subject through which many skills can be developed - in particular the practical skills involved in planning, preparing, cooking and serving food. However, Home Economics involves much more than this. Students will learn about the inter-relationship between diet, health, family, home and the choice and management of resources
Key Stage 3 Programmes of Study:
Home Economics at Key Stage 3 gives our pupils the opportunity to examine key concepts in relation to healthy eating, home and family life and independent living. We cook every other week so that pupils can develop a range of important skills such as problem solving, cooking skills, working with others and using equipment safely and efficiently.
Year 8 1. Starting Home Economics 2. Healthy eating 3. The Family 4 Equipment in the kitchen
Year 9 1. Consumer Awareness 2. Food safety 3. Shopping 4. Nutrition when we are older
Year 10 1. Understanding Nutrition 2. Nutrition need for the pregnant mum and the baby 3. The life of a teenager 4. Money matters
Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Award in Hospitality. It is equivalent to 1 GCSE. The award consists of four units over the two years. One units is an externally assessed examination of 1 hour 30 minutes. It is worth 25%.
The main aim of this qualification is to provide learners with an awareness of the different aspects involved in working in the hospitality industry
The core units will focus on the following:
- Introducing the Hospitality Industry – Examination
- Working in the Hospitality Industry
- Food Safety and Health and Safety in Hospitality.
- We also cover an option unit – Planning, Preparing, Cooking and Finishing Food
Child Development
CCEA GCSE. This is made up of:
1 examination which is worth 60%.
1 piece of coursework worth 40%
Child Development seeks to encourage an understanding of the overall needs of young children and the social and environmental influence which affect their development. It is a good starting point for higher education in Health and Social Care. This can lead to employment in a range of areas e.g. social work, nursing, classroom assistant.
Occupational Studies
We offer a variety of CCEA GCSE Occupational Studies courses. An Occupational course is a GCSE equivalent. It is made up of two units. The pupils have a portfolio to fill for each Unit. Much of the work is practical assessment and there is no formal examination, it is 100% Portfolio Assessment. You can only study one of the Business and Services courses.
Design and Creativity
Units are:
Specialized Craft (we look at cake making and decorating)
Environment and Society
Units are:
Reminiscence with Individuals in a Care Environment
Working in a Care Environment
Business and Services
Units are:
Contemporary Cuisine
Customer services
Business and Services
Units are:
Childcare in the Play Environment
The Physical care of Babies
- We offer Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Hospitality it is a work related qualification designed to offer you an alternative qualification to an A level. It is 100% coursework. There are three mandatory units:
- Unit 1. The Hospitality industry
- Unit 2 Principles of Supervising Customer Service Performance in Hospitality
- Unit 3. Providing Customer Service in Hospitality
- We also cover:
- Unit 12Contemporary World Food
- Unit 9 Food Service Organisation
- Unit 22 Event Planning and Management.
- Unit 23 Accommodation Operation Service
Children Play, Learning and Development
We offer Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Children’s Play, Learning and Development.
A broad basis of study of the early years sector. This qualification is designed to support progression to higher education when taken as part of a programme of study that includes other appropriate BTEC Nationals or A Levels. It is equivalent to 1 A Level. Mandatory units – learners complete and achieve all units Unit 1 Children’s Development - External Examination Unit 2 Development of Children’s Communication, Literacy and Numeracy Skills - Task externally assessed Unit 3 Play and Learning Optional units – learners complete 1 of the following units Unit 5 Keeping Children Safe Unit 6 Children’s Physical Development, Care and Health Needs Unit 8 Working with Parents and Others in Early Years Unit 11 The Early Years Foundation Stage