Health and Social Care

Subject Overview:
The Health, Social Care and Early Years sectors are caring professions which require people who are passionate about helping others. The recent health crisis has highlighted the importance of these sectors and the dedication shown by an army of staff who have been responsible for delivering quality care at a time of national emergency. Over the next few years, the growth of this sector is set to expand and this subject offers students the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and to prepare them for progression to employment and/or to further education.
Career Opportunities
- Nurse
- Social Worker
- Midwife
- Residential Care
- Paramedic
- Family Support worker
- Teacher
- Teaching Assistant
- Nursery teacher -
- Physiotherapist
As a department, we aim to make lessons challenging, engaging, interactive and guest speakers are regularly invited into school to assist students with their work. We take great pride in helping students to achieve and succeed at both GCSE and GCE level of study.
Key Stage 4 Qualification Courses and Programmes of Study:
Health and Social Care is a GCSE option offered to students in Year 11. The subject aims to encourage pupils to develop their interest and increases their knowledge in health, social care and early years. There are 2 units covered at this level-
Unit 1 –Personal Development - External exam (Year 11) 50%
Aims of unit
- human development
- investigate how factors, such as smoking, pollution, income or chronic illness, affect health and well-being.
- how relationships and major life changes, such as birth of a sibling, starting college, university or work, affect health and well-being.
- investigate sources of support available for individuals coping with major life changes.
Unit 2 –Working in Health and Social Care - Controlled Assessment (Year 12) 50%
Aims of unit
- understanding of the world of work in the health, social care and early years’ sectors by investigating how the needs of different service user groups are met.
- Understanding the range of job roles required and discover how practitioners apply the values of care.
GCSE Student Snapshot -
Key Stage 5 Qualification Courses and Programmes of Study:
GCE Health and Social Care has for many years proved itself to be a very strong subject with the majority of pupils at Breda Academy achieving A-C. It is an ideal choice for those who want a broad background, if students wish to pursue a career in the health and social care field and/or progress to third level education including degree courses in health studies, social science, psychology, nursing and social care. Breda Academy offers students the opportunity to study CCEA Heath & Social Care specification at AS and A2 levels. Students can opt to study this subject as a Single Award (1 GCE grade) or Double Award (2 GCE grades) qualification. There is a good balance of units offered; externally assessed units (exams) or internally assessed unit (portfolios) which enables students to continuously track their progress.
As part of the AS course, students are required to complete a period of placement in a health, social care or early years’ setting.
Single Award Snapshot –
Double Award Snapshot –
Subject Ambassador/Peer Mentors:
Congratulations to Abbie Hill on her recent appointment to Subject Ambassador and Megan Jackson, Jack Rainey, Jodie Clarke and Hannah Huddleson who were appointed Peer Mentors. Welcome to the Health & Social Care team.