
Subject Overview:
Business Studies is an interesting subject designed to give students the knowledge, understanding and skills required for employment and/or to help them to progress to further study, training or apprenticeships through exploring a range of business concepts and topics such as Recruitment, Selection and Employment, Marketing, Finance, Enterprise, Retail and Customer Service, for example. Students have the opportunity to experience the subject through a range of strategies such as direct teaching, power point, discussion, pair/group work, investigation/research, dvd/youtube clips, industrial visits, visiting speakers, presentations, role play, case studies etc.
Throughout the subject students have the opportunity to develop skills useful to further study, training, apprenticeship and employment such as communication skills, problem solving, teamwork, presentation skills, organisational skills, decision making, investigation/research skills, independent learning, composition, literacy and numeracy as well as a range of computer skills using a variety of software such as word processing, spreadsheets, desktop publishing etc
The Business courses available at Breda Academy encourage students to progress and achieve a GCSE/GCE equivalent through completion of portfolios/assignments accredited by recognised examination boards such as CCEA, OCN and Pearson (BTEC) together with an external examination, depending on which Business course is undertaken.
Key Stage 3 Programmes of Study:
The subject is not currently available at Key Stage 3 but there has been a consistently high success rate over the years from those students who have studied the subject for the first time at both Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5.
Key Stage 4 Qualification Courses and Programmes of Study:
In Key Stage 4, throughout years 11 and 12, students have the opportunity to study Business Studies through:
OCN Level 2 Vocational Skills (RQF) – assessment is through completion of a portfolio of work containing a mixture of both practical and theory tasks. This is equivalent to one GCSE.
BTEC Level 1/2 First Award in Business (RQF) – assessment is through completion of one online external examination (Finance for Business) and three assignments based on Introduction to Business, Promoting a Brand, Enterprise in the Business World.
CCEA Business and Services – assessment is through completion of a portfolio of work for two units containing a mixture of both practical and theory tasks: either for Modern Retailing/Customer Service or Using Office Technology/Communication in an Office or Business Environment.
Grades A-C equivalent are available for all qualifications with A* equivalent available for those who excel.
Key Stage 5 Qualification Courses and Programmes of Study:
In Key Stage 5 students can study:
BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate in Business which is equivalent to one A Level. Assessment is through completion of two online external examinations (Personal and Business Finance and Developing a Marketing Campaign) and two internally assessed assignments (Exploring Business and Recruitment and Selection Process).
Grades A-C equivalent are available with A* equivalent available for those students who excel.
The BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate in Business is for students who are interested in learning about the business sector alongside other fields of study, with a view to progressing to a wide range of higher education courses, not necessarily in business-related subjects. It may also be of benefit to those seeking to develop a career directly through business or who may wish to set up their own enterprise. It is designed to be taken as part of a programme of study that includes other appropriate BTEC Nationals or A Levels.
According to Which? University -
Ninety-five per cent of universities and colleges in the UK accept BTEC students, including competitive universities from the Russell Group.
BTEC students can often be better prepared in terms of the independent studying that’s required at degree level, due to the portfolio-based nature of BTEC courses. The independent research, time management, self-organisation and presentation skills developed through completing a BTEC course can also give students an added edge as well as those skills developed such as decision-making, justification, analysis and evaluation.