Curriculum Overview

At Breda Academy we aim to ensure each Key Stage in the curriculum should be inclusive and provide opportunities for every student to study courses appropriate to their aspirations, needs, and ability. Each pathway is reviewed annually by our curriculum development team to ensure learning is broad, balanced and diverse, and provides all students with an appropriate mix of academic and vocational areas of study in each Key Stage. Students are provided with learning opportunities to develop their subject knowledge and understanding, technical ability, and literacy and numeracy skills to achieve well in the courses they study and perform well in public examinations.
We believe that everyone is a learner and everyone has the potential to lead others, hence our school motto, ‘Learners today Leaders tomorrow’. Accordingly, we strive to empower all students with a confident and positive belief in themselves and for their potential to be the drivers of their own lives, aspiring to success within and beyond school. We also endeavour to develop all students’ GRIT (Growth mind-set, Resilience, Independence and Tenacity) in how they approach their learning.
Learning is a lifelong journey involving making decisions and making mistakes. It is the discovery of new ideas and new answers; it is in making errors that learners refine their abilities and discover new paths. At Breda Academy it is safe to make mistakes and to not yet know the right answer. We are committed to providing a caring and safe environment for all of our students so that they can learn in an atmosphere of mutual tolerance and respect for each other’s views and approaches to life.
YEARS 8, 9 & 10
In Key Stage Three, students study a broad range of subjects. Drawing on nationally generated data and our own baseline tests we place students in classes which are most closely matched to their current level of performance. The curriculum is tailored and differentiated for each teaching group so that students get the optimum balance of support and challenge they need to secure excellent progress.
YEARS 11 & 12
In Key Stage Four, students study a core of traditional academic subjects including English and Maths. Beyond the core, students can then select a variety of GCSE and GCSE equivalent qualifications.
The curriculum offers a breadth of opportunity and range of nationally accredited qualifications to ensure all students have good opportunities to progress into the Sixth Form and higher education or employment.
To ensure that students get the very best out of their curriculum, Breda Academy designs the curriculum using a variety of learning pathways. There is no ‘best’ or ‘better’ pathway as each is personalised and supported by our Careers programme to ensure that each student is most suitably matched to an engaging curriculum that best meets their needs and interests.
YEARS 13 & 14
A separate Sixth Form Prospectus is available and updated annually. It sets out the full range of Key Stage 5 subjects on offer and aims to support and develop the commitment and self-discipline students need for successful independent study. Staff will build programmes that foster these skills in class and in independent study that are essential for academic success. Many of our sixth form student’s continue their learning in high profile UK based universities such as, Queens, Ulster University, Liverpool John Moore’s and then go on to have successful careers in teaching, nursing, sport, business and ICT.
To support their learning, students in sixth form are given timetabled private study sessions which are supervised by a member of staff. This also provides them with full ICT access and support.